Peace at Work?
We all want peace! Practical, visionary and strategic, Peace at Work should be on the desk of every HR professional. Discover why, how, when and what to do to help people get through conflicts so they can get back to work, and you can too!
Available on Amazon for $19.97
Companion Set of Cards
This handy set of 56 cards has been distilled from the book Peace at Work, and provide instant guidance on what to do. You don't want to mediate a workplace dispute without them!
Available for $9.97 excluding shipping. Email john@johnford.com to order.
Mediation Fundamentals for the HR Professional
A fully online course is hosted on the learning management system Ruzuku.
The materials include over 6 hours of instructional and 2 hours of demonstration video (which shows you how to mediate), and the text of the book Peace at Work: The HR Manager's Guide to Workplace Mediation (which tells you all about mediation).
Participants are able to explore workplace mediation at their own pace in a user friendly online training environment with immediate access to all materials upon registration.
Everyone wants peace, right?
And in the workplace, we are all expected to “get along!”
If you are a leader, you have a special responsibility for how others get along.
If you are in HR, you certainly have the responsibility (of helping others get along).
The largest HR management organization in the world, SHRM, specifically state that HR professionals should "maintain productive interpersonal relationships and demonstrate aptitude to help others to do the same.”
So, in HR:
1. You are expected to get along and have good interpersonal relationships with your colleagues.
2. You are also expected to do something when others aren't getting along!
It can be scary because there is a lot at stake.
Your job security.
Your good reputation.
Your peace of mind.
And if you make a situation worse, whether through inattention, or doing something that exposes your organization to legal action.
Then suddenly your job is at risk.
Your reputation is shot.
And you can't sleep at night.
Even though, in truth, you don’t receive a lot of support and guidance, (beyond encouragement), on how to do this part of your job.
The difficult part that involves helping others get along.
So, you have to hold onto all of this stress, anxiety and frustration.
And not take it home.
Where you risk taking it out on your children or spouse.
If only there was something you could do.
Something that helps others to get along,
Something that enhances your reputation as an effective problem solver,
Something that brings you the inner peace of knowing you’ve done your best.
Something that rewards you for taking on the challenge.
Thankfully there is!
It’s called workplace mediation.
It’s being used by HR Professionals all over the world and especially here in the United States.
It’s a process as old as humanity.
That allows you to do your job.
Of helping others get along.
Did you know that by the time you are a mid or senior level HR Professional SHRM, you are expected to be able to mediate difficult employee relations situations?
But what if you struggle getting along with others?
What if you don’t trust yourself and think you’ll make the situation worse?
What if you aren’t comfortable with conflict and really don’t know how to mediate?
Like leadership, mediation is a skill that can be learnt.
Mediation generates positive results over 80% of the time.
It allows you to do something positive.
Without increasing your organization’s legal risk.
And rather than a superficial patch over.
You get to lasting resolutions.
So, the visits to your office by disgruntled employee’s decrease, and you get on with other pressing aspects of your job.
Hi, my name is John Ford.
I am the author of Peace at Work: The HR Manager's Guide to Workplace Mediation and Founder of the HR Mediation Academy.
I encourage you to pick up a copy of my book Peace at Work: The HR Manager’s Guide to Workplace Mediation and the accompanying deck of cards.
You’ll discover the answers to these important questions.
My goal is to support you to successfully master the skill of workplace mediation.
I want to make it easy for you to do something about your disgruntled employees.
So you can feel the satisfaction of doing what other's fear to do.
I want to share with you what I have learnt from working as a professional mediator with an employment and workplace focus.
I want to reveal all the insights to resolving conflict so that you can too!
I am also going to weave in what I have learnt academically while teaching graduate students the skills of conflict resolution, negotiation and mediation.
For some time now, as part of my corporate training practice, I have taught HR managers the skill of mediation through the offices of the Northern California Human Resources Association.
Although a book can never replace the learning that occurs in a classic training environment, my hope is to convey to you, what I cover when training your colleagues.
I do not have to tell you how debilitating it is when - no matter what you do - employees just can’t get along.
I want to give you the tools to do something productive about it.
Having mediation as a tool can go a long way to support authentic organizational harmony and well-being.
And if you are the one doing the mediation, you get the accolades for being a peacemaker!
Here are some of the many testaments of practical value received from the book:
“Peace at Work is a must-read for all HR professionals who aspire to a better solution to workplace conflict and who want to add the skill of mediation to their toolbox. John Ford takes a lifetime of mediation knowledge and presents it in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step process, from opening statements to closing agreements and every step in between.”
Todd Clawson, MS, Director of Human Resources, Parker County Hospital District
“I have worked with John on various mediations over the years. He cares deeply about the people involved in his mediations and this is reflected in his consummate application of the skills and strategies in Peace at Work. This book is a natural complement to, and an excellent compilation of, John’s considerable store of knowledge about mediation in the workplace.”
Beth Delaney, Human Resource Business Partner, Kaiser Permanente
“I had the pleasure of taking a mediation course led by John Ford. He was a truly inspiring teacher and his course proved immediately useful in my work in labor and employee relations. Many of the wise insights John shared with us in class are included in Peace at Work. HR and other managers looking for clear and practical advice about how to conduct a mediation will find it here, and will be better able to see why mediation is potentially so effective in resolving conflict.”
Maryl Olivera, Labor and Employee Relations, Administrative Office of the Courts
“John Ford’s book, Peace at Work, will help any manager or HR professional to successfully mediate conflict. Mr. Ford draws from his vast personal experience and insight, as well as that of many experts in the field, in this well-written and well-organized book. He covers foundational concepts and provides a structured approach to what is an easy-to-use, step-by-step model for mediation. Complete with case-study role-plays and a rich appendix of supporting materials and reference listings, the book is a must for anyone who leads people.” Peter Haralabopoulos, Flight Attendant Base Director, San Francisco International Airport
Regardless of whether you pick up a copy of my book Peace at Work , or the accompanying set of cards, please do consider signing up to receive access to this FREE Webinar Replay and occasional educational updates.
Over the course of a couple of months you will receive a series of short emails to orient you to the world of organizational conflict management, and internal workplace mediation, in particular.
I want to empower you to mediate internal workplace conflicts on your own - with the composure of a professional.
You are welcome to email me at any time. I will respond to all personal emails.
From time to time I'll include offers for my book, the cards and also my online training offerings in mediation through The HR Mediation Academy.
But this webinar and the emails that follow are 100% FREE!
And include emails with key information, based on my over 20 years working as a professional workplace mediator, that is not available anywhere on the web. Only in these emails.
So, if you are in HR, and are curious about how you are going to handle the inevitable conflicts that come your way with composure - when you are the one everyone is expecting to work miracles!
Then please do sign up to start your inspirational journey of discovery with me.
To your conflict resolution competence!
John Ford
Author of Peace at Work: The HR Manager's Guide to Workplace Mediation
Founder of The HR Mediation Academy
The HR Mediation Academy is a specialized division of John Ford and Associates dedicated to train HR professionals how to mediate internal workplace conflicts and disputes early before costly escalation occurs.
The Academy offers an engaging learning experience that is focused on the emerging needs of the modern workplace, and is based on the flipped classroom concept -where conceptual learning takes place first online, before maximizing face to face time for skill development.
The flagship course that we offer is called Mediation Fundamentals for the HR Professional.
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) expects that HR professionals maintain “productive interpersonal relationships” and demonstrate an “aptitude to help others to do the same.”
SHRM specifically requires that mid and senior level HR professionals can mediate. Wisely, as mediation is an effective tool for resolving workplace conflict, and is needed in addition to the investigation.
““I had the pleasure of taking a mediation course led by John Ford. He was a truly inspiring teacher and his course proved immediately useful in my work in labor and employee relations. Many of the wise insights John shared with us in class are included in Peace at Work. HR and other managers looking for clear and practical advice about how to conduct a mediation will find it here, and will be better able to see why mediation is potentially so effective in resolving conflict.”
Maryl Olivera,
Labor and Employee Relations,
Administrative Office of the Courts
Two options to take the course, Mediation Fundamentals for the HR Professional, are available:
First, a fully online course that is hosted on the learning management system Ruzuku.
The materials include over 6 hours of instructional and 2 hours of demonstration video (which shows you how to mediate), and the text of the book Peace at Work: The HR Manager's Guide to Workplace Mediation (which tells you all about mediation).
Participants are able to explore workplace mediation at their own pace in a user friendly online training environment with immediate access to all materials upon registration.
To sign up for $47 click here.
Second, organizations bring the training in-house and offer it to a cohort of up to 24 participants from their organization.
The knowledge and attitudinal learning objectives are met through access to the online course Mediation Fundamentals for the HR Professional.
The online component is spread over 3 to 7 weeks and uses instructional and demonstration video, a book on workplace mediation, quizzes, facilitated discussions and coaching.
The skills based objectives are addressed through a four-day mediation role play boot camp.
All participants who complete the course receive an industry standard 40 hour mediation certificate.
Through our relationship with the Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution at U.C. Hastings we are able to offer the certificate in partnership with them.
To request a proposal email john@johnford.com
Sample Certificate where the option to have the certificate issued by both The HR Mediation Academy and the Center for Dispute Resolution and Negotiation at U.C. Hastings is exercised.
The differences between the online option and the organizational cohort option is displayed in this graphic:
To pick up your copy of Peace at Work: The HR Manager's Guide to Workplace Mediation or the accompanying set of cards, click on the links below:
Practical, visionary and strategic, Peace at Work should be on the desk of every HR professional. Discover why, how, when and what to do to help people get through conflicts so they can get back to work, and you can too!
Available on Amazon for $14.97
Companion Set of Cards
This handy set of 56 cards has been distilled from the book Peace at Work, and provide instant guidance on what to do. You don't want to mediate a workplace dispute without them!
Available for $9.97 excluding shipping. Email john@johnford.com to order.
Instant Access to this Free Webinar Replay:
Regardless of whether you pick up a copy of my book Peace at Work , or the accompanying set of cards, please do consider signing up to receive access to this FREE Webinar Replay and ocassional educational updates.
Over the course of a couple of months you will receive a series of short emails to give you the information to reflect on how you are dealing with conflict and what you could be doing better.
I want to empower you to mediate internal workplace conflicts on your own...with the composure of a professional.
You are welcome to leave (unsubscribe) at any time. I'll be sad to see you go, but want you to be in choice recieving my emails.
From time to time I'll include offers for my book, the cards but also my online training offerings in mediation through The HR Mediation Academy. With tact and respect of your choice.
And include emails with key information, based on my over 20 years working as a professinal workplace mediator, that is not available anywhere on the web. Only in these emails.
So, if you are in HR, and are curious about how you are going to handle the inevitable conflicts that come your way...with composure when you are the eye in the center of the storm!
To your conflict resolution competence!
John Ford
Author of Peace at Work: The HR Manager's Guide to Workplace Mediation
Founder of The HR Mediation Academy
John Ford is an experienced workplace mediator and soft-skills trainer. He is also author of “Peace at Work: The HR’s Manager Guide to Workplace Mediation”.
In this 9-min interview with Giuseppe Leone, a retired mediator in Hawaii, John explains why he believes that there is no reason why HR Managers - as long as they are adequately trained in conflict resolution, and are perceived as neutral by all parties involved in a workplace conflict - shouldn’t be able to mediate a conflict between co-workers - without bringing in an external mediator.
In this interview, John also answers a question raised by Matteo Bodei (an Italian workplace mediator). That is, since peer mediation works so well in schools, could the same approach work to resolve workplace disputes as well?
To view the presentation, click here.