"Within-group conflict is always personal and emotional -- even if it begins with impersonal issues."
Kenneth Kaye
"Within-group conflict is always personal and emotional -- even if it begins with impersonal issues."
Kenneth Kaye
"We know from our experience that it is easier to develop trust in another person or in a group if we believe that we can disagree, and we will not be abandoned or hurt for our differences. It is difficult to trust those who deny us the right to be ourselves."
Susan Wheelan
“None of us are as smart as all of us.”
Japanese Proverb
“In great teams conflict becomes productive. The free flow of conflicting ideas is critical for creative thinking, for discovering new solutions no one individual would have come to on his own.”
Peter Senge
“Vulnerability, far too often described as a weakness, is essential for developing the deepest levels of trust. Of course, in order for team members to show vulnerability, safety is imperative.”
Runde and Flanagan
"Conflict can destroy a team which hasn't spent time learning to deal with it."
Thomas Isgar
"The better able team members are to engage, speak, listen, hear, interpret, and respond constructively, the more likely their teams are to leverage conflict rather than be leveled by it”
Runde and Flanagan
“Consensus means that people comprehend the final decision, have committed themselves to executing the chosen course of action, feel a sense of collective ownership about the plan, and are willing to cooperate with others during the implementation effort.”
Michael Roberto
“The glue that holds people together in a team, and that commits people to an organization, is the emotions they feel”
Daniel Goleman
“Human beings and human groups need time to deal with emotional and relational issues. . . . [G]roups spend 60 percent of the time . . . working. . ..The remainder is used for group maintenance, dealing with interpersonal issues that arise, and the like.”
Susan Wheelan