"Mutuality in relationships is the shared power to affect and the shared vulnerability to be affected by another person."
Zimmerman, Lindberg and Plsek
"Mutuality in relationships is the shared power to affect and the shared vulnerability to be affected by another person."
Zimmerman, Lindberg and Plsek
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom"
Victor Frankl
“Under the guidance of an Emotionally Intelligent leader, people feel a mutual comfort level. They share ideas, learn from one another, make decisions collaboratively, and get things done.”
Daniel Goleman
"Worry gives a small thing a big shadow."
Swedish Proverb
"To neither suppress our feelings nor be caught by them, but to understand them-that is the art."
Jack Kornfield
“Empathy feels these thoughts: your hurt is in my heart, your loss is in my prayers, your sorrow is in my soul, and your tears are in my eyes.”
William Arthur Ward
“The ability to monitor one’s own feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions”
Salovey and Mayer
“The glue that holds people together in a team, and that commits people to an organization, is the emotions they feel”
Daniel Goleman
“Anger is a powerful motivator, but a poor strategist.”
Rob Jones
"Fear makes the wolf bigger."
German Proverb
"If one throws salt at thee thou wilt receive no harm unless thou hast sore places."
Latin Proverb