“If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two mouths and one ear.”
Mark Twain
“If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two mouths and one ear.”
Mark Twain
"The highest form of wisdom is kindness."
The Talmud
Mediation is the facilitation of negotiation.
Norman R. Page
"The better able team members are to engage, speak, listen, hear, interpret, and respond constructively, the more likely their teams are to leverage conflict rather than be leveled by it”
Runde and Flanagan
“Consensus means that people comprehend the final decision, have committed themselves to executing the chosen course of action, feel a sense of collective ownership about the plan, and are willing to cooperate with others during the implementation effort.”
Michael Roberto
"An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything."
Lynn Johnston
"Kindness is in your power, even when fondness is not."
Samuel Johnson
"Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional!"
Max Lucade
"Power in organizations is the capacity generated by relationships. It is an energy that comes into existence through relationships."
Margaret Wheatley
“The ability to monitor one’s own feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions”
Salovey and Mayer
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
John Quincy Adams
“The glue that holds people together in a team, and that commits people to an organization, is the emotions they feel”
Daniel Goleman
“Anger is a powerful motivator, but a poor strategist.”
Rob Jones
“Pain is a relatively objective, physical phenomenon; suffering is our psychological resistance to what happens. Events may create physical pain, but they do not in themselves create suffering. Resistance creates suffering. Stress happens when your mind resists what is... The only problem in your life is your mind's resistance to life as it unfolds. ”
Dan Millman
“Human beings and human groups need time to deal with emotional and relational issues. . . . [G]roups spend 60 percent of the time . . . working. . ..The remainder is used for group maintenance, dealing with interpersonal issues that arise, and the like.”
Susan Wheelan
“By saying yes when you need to say no, you cripple the most important relationship in your life: the relationship between you and you.”
Nea Joy
“I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the wounded person.”
Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman
“Trust is choosing to make something important to you vulnerable to the actions of someone else.”
Charles Feltman
"If you understand, things are just as they are; if you do not understand, things are just as they are."
Zen Proverb
"It is the chiefest point of happiness that a man is willing to be what he is."
Desiderius Erasmus